Holding Out

Was having a conversation with a friend the other day about street food (specifically kebab/donair/shwarma), which eventually lead to discussing how to pronounce “gyro” – is it hero or jai-row? Of course it’s hero, but most North Americans start out calling it a jai-row until corrected. By that time of course the word gyro is … Continue reading Holding Out

Give a little bit

It’s coming up to the time now when charitable campaigns are making their big annual pledge drives. I’m starting to get solicitations in my mail, email, and seeing banners around town announcing that the season for giving is imminent. Hessie also had a post recently about how she’s changing how she gives this year, and … Continue reading Give a little bit

The Darkness

This really isn’t indicative of me as a person – generally I’m pretty upbeat and cheery. However, I often have these fleeting dark and twisted thoughts. Mostly ideas that occur to me, that the little voice inside says “people will think you are awfully troubled if you share that.” I had another one while driving … Continue reading The Darkness