Whaddya call a guy with no arms and no legs, hanging on a wall?

I’m going positively squirrely lately with the lack of home-improvement/beautification efforts happening around my domicile. Since we’re moving in a few months, all of that kind of stuff has been put on hold. There’s no point spending our hard-earned cash on things that likely won’t work out in a completely different space. But who can … Continue reading Whaddya call a guy with no arms and no legs, hanging on a wall?


Generally I’m a bit skeptical when it comes to new gadgets. They usually come trussed up in pretty boxes, covered in promises that they’ll revolutionize my life and I’ll forget what ever came before them. So far only my TiVo has ever lived up to that promise. And if you know TiVo, you’ll know that … Continue reading Surrounded

Dear Blogland

I could certainly use a bit of a pick-me-up today. So I ask you, blogiverse, to indulge me in my wee pity party, while I present to you a list of things that suck today: I am still jobless. Not only that, but of the dozen or so applications I’ve sent out, I’ve received exactly … Continue reading Dear Blogland

Checking In

I keep meaning to write, but I really have nothing exciting or interesting to say. But I got sick of seeing the Fiber Bar entry, so here is a boring, uninteresting update. Read on if you dare… Because I have no kids, and don’t know too many people who do, I was completely oblivious to … Continue reading Checking In


So today is the first day of the rest of my life. Or something like it. In any case, last Thursday was my last day at the former job, and after a lovely long weekend, today is the first Monday in a while that I’m at home with no idea when I’ll be back at … Continue reading Homebody

I <3 U CRA

I always knew there was a reason I liked tax accountants. Neil was a bit… delinquent… in his taxes and hasn’t done his 2005 return yet. Considering the deadline for 2006 is now coming up, he sucked it up and called an accountant to deal with filing it all. He had some capital gains/losses and … Continue reading I <3 U CRA