Drop it like it’s Hot

Almost every morning when I get on the bus, I have the same set of thoughts about my fellow commuters: How do They Do It? And by “It” I mean, how do they keep it all together, get everything done, manage to blow-dry their hair in the mornings (one of my own shortcomings these days). … Continue reading Drop it like it’s Hot


One of my favourite features of the Nike+iPod setup is the Powersong. It’s a simple concept – pick a song that pumps you up, gets you going, gets the mojo flowing, renews your energy. Program that song into your iPod nano as your Powersong. When you’re lagging and need a boost, you hold down the … Continue reading Powersong


Week 3 is in the can. However, not without a serious episode of needing to get over my damn self already. Last night I posted about not wanting to run and a long list of accompanying excuses. I figured I’d vent the negativity onto the blog and just go home and run. And so many … Continue reading Success!


I thought about making some sort of personal resolutions this year, but 2008 is shaping up to be a year of so much activity, growth and change already I think I’ll just give myself a big pat on the back for making it through. It starts off with becoming a first-time homeowner, complete with list … Continue reading Resolved

One Word

Because I am surrounded by boxes that are not full yet, you get a meme (From Colleen): Here are the ground rules for the newbies: 1. After reading my answers, copy and paste the list into your comment. 2. Change my one-word responses with yours (ONE WORD, even if it kills you). 3. Submit your … Continue reading One Word