Macauley Moment

If only my inconveniences and distractions were as small as keeping a couple of dimwitted wannabe thieves out of my house while I’m alone at Christmas time by rigging up potentially dangerous but ultimately amusing booby traps using toys and household items.

I wish.

Instead, I’ll just adopt the scream and try not to kill anyone who interrupts me for the rest of the afternoon.
Continue reading “Macauley Moment”

Ice Princess

This training room is still damn cold. They dangled hope in front of our faces by saying that “there are now three heating complaints for the [bigass] building – so I guess we’ll have someone come in to fix it.” But we are not fooled! And it is still not fixed. What we are is … Continue reading Ice Princess


Oh yah, and another thing… Why on earth do I have to get sick now, when I have no boyfriend to whine to, and come over and make me tea and rub my feet, and grab me in inappropriate places so I can pretend it pisses me off but secretly love how he loves me … Continue reading Addendum

Guten Morgen

The office is freezing. The coffee burnt my tongue, and it tastes like ass (extra annoying considering it’s not free). My pants are falling down, because the belt I bought is too big. I’m waiting for work to arrive via courier – until it does, I get to do exciting things like stuff envelopes. I … Continue reading Guten Morgen


Don’t you hate it when you have your sights set on something – and someone else totally fucks it up? I booked a hair appointment for this afternoon, and I was really looking forward to it. My hair is already a bit overdue for a cut & colour – and I DO NOT want to … Continue reading Flopsy