bum wars

I have just come to the realization that I am a bum. I do not take well to the life of a bum. Bums can feel okay sitting around all day, watching tv, eating convenience food, and accomplishing as little as possible. Like a bum, I engage in all of these activities on a (now) … Continue reading bum wars


I’m not entirely sure how to feel about the Canucks right now. Before you bandwagon riders call me a traitor, or you non-fans call me a bandwagon-jumper-on-and-offer I will say that I’ve always been a fan, just not a fanatic. I always hope for the best, but I am a realist. In any case, I’d … Continue reading Canuckleheads

Smiling Budda

Seems the Gods of all things academic (and otherwise) are smiling on me. The deadline for the paper that I’ve been procrastinating on has been extended until Wednesday. This means that I don’t have to try to write it in a fury this morning, or take any late penalties for handing it in tomorrow. I … Continue reading Smiling Budda