Cooking, Presence and Cock Sauce

2 thoughts on “Cooking, Presence and Cock Sauce”

  1. Since Jackson has been eating full, regular meals, eating together as a family is something I’ve really tried to enforce. It doesn’t matter that we’re often sitting down as early as 5pm, dinner time is family time with as few interruptions as possible. Sometimes it’s eggs and toast, but it makes me so happy that Jackson is often just as happy with Indian, Thai, sushi or good ol’ meat and potatoes. Jack has also invented a cute little copycat game that he plays with Luke at the table. We eat, we laugh and we talk about our day. It might only be half an hour, but it’s a high quality 30 minutes. That recipe looks like a surefire hit. This boy would live on bacon and sausages and any other cured meat if he could, and he’s been known to scarf up plain chickpeas from the can. Thanks for sharing!

  2. I love how simple and delicious his recipes are! We’ll have to try this one for sure.

    We have been cooking a lot more since Colin arrived (though not really together since one of us has to be on baby duty) and I can’t wait til he can start eating with us, both to foster good eating habits and instill our love of good food.

    (p.s. I also love whatever you did to your blog to make it easy to read on my phone!)

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