Penned In

4 thoughts on “Penned In”

  1. I would very much like to eat part of your pig. In return you can eat some of our zucchini, tomatoes, apples, and/or squash. Next year we plan to have more, but we have to terrace the backyard. If you want more blisters you can come help with our retaining walls 🙂

  2. +1. While I in no way dislike the fact my work is difficult to explain to someone outside my field, I am finding physical, tangible work more satisfying. After spending 5 hours working in the garden this weekend, and several hours a day in the kitchen, I find that I’m enjoying every minute of it.
    .-= Chris Simmons´s last blog ..Weather woes =-.

  3. I could never explain my job to anyone but now “I work for Disney” seems to make people happy enough that they don’t ask for further details 🙂 It will suck when I work somewhere else and there’s no such distracting comment for me.
    .-= gillian´s last blog ..Supreme embarrassment time =-.

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