don’t hate me yet…

3 thoughts on “don’t hate me yet…”

  1. Pearson sucks ass on EVERY level. Especially the bus between terminals, which you have to go through every time when you fly in internationally and then connect domestically. At least they could keep you inside the security area when you’re connecting, but no, you have to come out, walk 1/2 mile to the security checkpoint, down the stairs, along another corridor, then onto a bus for a charming tour of their construction site, then back up the stairs to the “main” terminal. awful. And the THIRD terminal, the red-headed step-child of all airport terminals, terminal 3, where you have to go when you fly direct from toronto to Cayman is nice and new but practically an afterthought to the whole airport. Ask me about it sometime and I’ll tell you about how i REALLy feel about it… 🙂

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