tivos are good for licking

15 thoughts on “tivos are good for licking”

  1. Licking TiVo is totally understandable — just don’t do it while it’s plugged in.

    Seriously, if you have TiVo questions, drop me a line. Boobeep!

  2. I was wondering who’d taken the photo of you licking the box, but then I remembered you’d gone down there with Mel. Seriously hilarious picture. You look very naughty.

  3. (Just picturing the poor Target employee who you asked to take the picture… overwhelmed in his little red polyester vest)

  4. Oooh I am sooo jealous that you have tivo. I want it. I have digital cable with time shifting though so I can watch my fav shows 3 hours later on the vancouver feed (me being ontario girl), its just not the same though.

  5. I went through the online preview and I was totally sold, but I still have to convince Will. Maybe I’ll buy it for “him” for Xmas! Ha ha ha.

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